Section outline
Rozvoj ľudských zdrojov a zabezpečenie kvality na SPU v Nitre
2.1. Rozvoj a prehĺbenie cudzojazyčných kompetencií modernými prístupmi a technológiamiModerné vzdelávanie pre vedomostnú spoločnosť/Projekt je spolufinancovaný zo zdrojov EU
This course is based on the textbook by
Carol L. Ruppel and Katerina Veselá
Academic Writing: Writing Research Papers in English for Slovak and Czech Learners
Illustrations: Carol L. Ruppel
Nitra 2010
ISBN 978-80-89477-03-6
Academic writing does not have to be an overwhelming, daunting task. Instead,it can be a satisfying, rewarding journey, even an inspiring challenge.This course is a guide for those who may have studied English for years, but have had little experience with writing or research in English. Many Internet sources are suggested for those who need or want more specific help.
Good luck!
Carol L. Ruppel & Katerina Veselá