In general, a research paper follows this format:

  • Title Page: the format varies depending on the teacher or institution. Often it includes the title, author, institution, etc. In APA, an automatic header is set with the pages numbers which gives the topic. Check out sample papers on the Internet for format illustrations, and consult your teacher to find out your requirements.
  • Abstract: a short, usually half-page summary of the thesis and conclusion of the paper. Most formal research papers (such as a bachelor’s or master’s thesis) are required to include an abstract, which is not usually included in your page calculations. While doing your research, it was probably helpful to read the abstracts before each article to decide whether or not the content would be helpful. Use these examples to help you write you own abstract.
  • Text of the paper: introduction, body, conclusion (includes textual references to all sources used for information presented). Make sure it is organized logically and has clearly documented sources which are listed on the References page.
  • References page: lists sources cited in the text in alphabetical order. Detailed instructions for its final format are given below.
  • Appendixes: lists, charts, etc. that do not belong in the text but supplement the paper.
Last modified: Thursday, 4 November 2010, 4:30 PM