Complexity of services, multiple attractions at a single destination, is an important tourism development issue for Slovakia.“In many villages there is lack of other facilities and services...and this fact has negative impact on the satisfactory level of visitors” (______ (1) ______). Cooperation is widely recognized as crucial for success in regional tourismendeavours, according to ______ (2) ______. This idea is supported by other researchers. ______ (3) ______ argued that “the clustering of activities and attractions, and the development of rural tourism routes, stimulates co-operation and partnerships between local areas.” Thus, to attract and satisfy tourists, it is necessary to develop coordinated tourism networking between small businesses in local regions. ______ (4) ______ claimed that some private firms have already “shaped local resources into tourism products, providing a long-term focus for economic development...” Likewise, ______ (5) ______ found that “private tourist associations are starting to appear.” These reports are a promising sign for increasing tourism as coordinated efforts result in increased complexity of services in rural destinations in Slovakia.

(1) Posonium: Project ROUTES 2. (2008).Contemporary problems of rural tourism and agrotourism in Slovakia. Handbook: Problems of Rural Tourism. Retrieved from

(2) Petrou, A.,Pantziou, E.D., & Skuras, D. (2007). Resources and activities complementarities: The roleof business networks in the provision of integrated rural tourism. TourismGeographies, 9 (4), 421-440.

(3) Briedenheann, J. & Wickens, E. (2004).Tourism routes as a tool for the economic development of rural areas—vibranthope or impossible dream? Tourism Management, 25 (1), 71-79. DOI:10.1016/S0261-5177(03)00063-3 .

(4) Ilbery, B.& Saxena, G. (2009). Evaluating “best practice” in integrated ruraltourism: Case examples from the England – Walesborder region [Abstract]. Environment and Planning, A 41 (9), 2248–2266.

(5) EuromonitorInternational. (2010, April). Travel and tourism in Slovakia [Market analysis report]. Retrieved from

Posledná zmena: štvrtok, 4 novembra 2010, 17:18