The MPC Forum

The MPC Forum is a commentary area on the Bank of England’s Monetary Policy Committee actions will be launched, following clearance of legal hurdles, which we expect to be sometime in September 2004. This is an opportunity to give your views on the current monetary and interest rate policies in an environment where commentators can be assured that their views will not be removed because they are critical of the Bank’s policy.

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The Euro Forum

The Euro Forum is a commentary area on the knotty question of whether the UK should join the Euro. Should we join the Euro? Should the Bank’s reserves be converted to Euro and the currency designated in Sterling at governed rates published by the Bank. Would this prevent speculation? Should dual pricing be provided for a 5 year period if we join to prevent price rise abuse? How is it affecting your business? How does it affect you when you travel.

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Posledná zmena: utorok, 27 septembra 2005, 09:54