Although there is no direct evidence that salt is the cause of high blood pressure or `hypertension`, there are studies which indicate that reducing salt intake lowers blook pressure. Some scientists are also concerned that excessive use of salt may cause asthma and kidney disease. Therefore most doctors would welcome a decision by food manufacturers to decrease the amount of salt in food.
Many food matufactures, however, are reluctant to reduce the amount of salt. Salt is an important flavour enhancer and preservative. British Salt points out that salt is an essenttial nutrient and regular intake is required to maintain bodily functions. Moreover, according to British Salt, there are greater risk factors in hypertension, such as obesity, lack of exercise, alcohol intake and smoking. Another reason why food producers are not keen on lowering the amount of salt is probably that they fear that less salt will mean lower sales. Not only will the sale of processed food containing salt decrease, but also the sale of soft drinks.
A recent study proves that if manufacturers cut the salt content of food, it will not necessarily affect the taste of the product. Scientists conducted a study to examine the difference in taste between bread with standart and reduced salt content. Three types of whole meal bread were prepared,identical in all respects except for salt content. One loaf contained the standard quantity, one loaf 10 % reduced and one 20% reduced. Sixty participants, who did not know the salt content, were asked to rate the taste on a scale from zero to ten. They also had to quess which loaf contained the standard, 10% reduced and 20% reduced quantity. Of the 180 guesses of salt content, 63 were  correct, which is not different from what would be expected by chance.
The study indicates that small reductions in salt content will not necessarily affect sales. If food manufacturers decide to diminish the amount of salt in food, blood pressure of the entire population will shift downwards, which may result in considerable health benefits. One of Britain`s largest supermarkets, Asda, has already decided to decrese the amount of salt in its products. The Asda products will contain up to 25% less salt.

Reading comprehension exercises

1. Read the article and mention the positive and negative aspects of salt

Positive: .......
Negative: .....

2. Explain what the difference of opinion is between doctors and the food manufactures. Use your own words.

3. The first sentence of the article seems to contain a contradition. Explain why the information is not contradictory.

4. Find 5 verbs in the text which mean „to make less“


5. Fill in the missing words.

Although salt tis very useful because it adds.....1..... and can be used as ....2..., it can also ....3.... your health, causing .....4. Therefore it is advisable not to eat too much ....5... and other products containing salt so that you keep your ...6..... down.


Posledná zmena: streda, 12 januára 2011, 13:01